Author Archives: admin

About admin

Fred was born in Montgomery, Alabama and spent his childhood at schools in various parts of the world as the family followed his father's postings. He is a member of the writer's group :"Tuesdays at Two", now a retired government bureaucrat and househusband, living in Northern Virginia with his wife, one cats, a Westie and a stimulating level of chaos.

7 Liberty Trip

Liberty plays under the name ‘Etta Smog’. She has a smile like her Mother’s, worthy of the screens at any multiplex, and speaks in the same soft friendly tones as her Dad. Continue reading

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6 Diddlie’s Disaster

She soon came back in, her breathless voice is hard to understand and sounds as if she had been going on to Mr. Liddell while she was out, but it is clear she claims to have broken through Jake’s usually unflappable good humor. Continue reading

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5 Diddlie’s Place

Diddlie seems perplexed. The subject had put her in a bad mood. Her response to my question left her disoriented. I had forgotten how volatile the issue had become in her mind, though I might have been reminded when reading the news letter that she is concerned about Jake’s huge house. Continue reading

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4 Derwent Sloot

“If you are so fascinated by that sickening extravagance next door, why didn’t you knock on their door?” Continue reading

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3 Jake Trip

Jake Trip moved into his dream house last year. The steep incline of Oval Street between Boundary Road at the bottom and Wicket street above, passes Trip’s granite faced basement walls as they disappear into the slope. Continue reading

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2 Lou Waymarsh

The waitress interrupted us, with menus. At the same time Lou Waymarsh appears hemmed in behind the waitress and an adjacent table, looking over her shoulder, with his strong square face showing a day’s beard. Continue reading

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1 My First Thought

She has a blaze of golden rod in her lapel, and there’s some garden soil dried on to the stained knees of her jeans. Continue reading

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INTRODUCTION, Fauxmont with Fred Blogz

Fauxmont is a fictional wooded neighborhood in Northern Virginia. A few famous historical personages are mentioned along with some politicians, but none of the characters living in Fauxmont is based on any real person. Continue reading

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