Monthly Archives: January 2011

12 The Party

I look down for any names he might have dropped but see he is wearing shorts, not the trousers one might expect with a seersucker suit. His legs are brown and white and furry. His hooves are polished black. Continue reading

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11 Finderelli

A woman in a loose purple tee shirt with spiky black hair and orange highlights is sorting stacks of CDs at a desk in an outer office.
“Hi, I am Finderelli” he says, ducking from under the doorway and turning, moving with the grace of a dancer. He nodds towards a small carved wooden totem under the window by his desk. It’s a few feet high, not heavy, and moves easily. I tip it slightly towards me. Light shines into the carved recesses and I can see a lot of dead flying ants in the hollows. Continue reading

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10 Tinderbrush

Upon Bean’s arrival they will go up to one of the Heisenberg Rooms, private dining and meeting rooms upstairs. Thanks in part to the popularity of the Quark Lounge and the Quantum Que, Hoffman is acknowledged in certain media circles as being among the most reliable sources in Washington. Continue reading

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9 Artie Bliemisch

You might say Artemisia sculpts paint. In her latest work she uses plaster, cement, stone and various kinds of resins to make soft looking shapes. Forms that toothpaste might make if you squeezed a series of blobs onto the sink instead of your toothbrush. Continue reading

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8 What do you think you’re doing?

“You think standing here talking is advancing the story? What about all these other people you write about? What do they have to say about it?” Continue reading

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